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Supporting your organisation to be LGBTIQA+ inclusive

I can provide consultancy and mentoring for improving your organisation's LGBTIQA+ cultural safety and building up your Rainbow Tick evidence.

As an industry leader and co-author of the current Rainbow Tick guides, I have helped hundreds of organisations improve their capacity to provide a safer and more inclusive environment for LGBTIQA+ staff and clients. Whether you are yet committed to full Rainbow Tick accreditation or only able to make smaller steps towards greater LGBTIQA+ inclusion, I can support you to achieve your goals in this area. Always providing a mentoring approach (teach you how to fish, not just give you the fish), I offer one-off document and strategy consultation/reviews, or engage in a short-term contract where I more intensively guide you through multiple (or all) parts of the process. 

Select publications I have authored or co-authored (hyperlinked)

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